Thursday, December 13, 2012

Soledad Star June 6, 1933

Murder on the Ranch
By: Jeff Martins
Soledad Star
Yesterday afternoon tragedy struck the local ranch. One of the migrant workers who had just earned a position there, turned on everyone and killed the only woman on the ranch. She was the daughter-in-law of the ranch's boss! The new bride (the boss's son Curley and her just got married) was found in the barn with a broken neck. The ranch's swamper, Candy, found her lying in the barn moments after it happened. He ran out and told the other men as soon as he found her; and they all came rushing back into the barn. At once they all knew who did it, Lennie Small. Lennie was not the smartest man, and according to Curley he had a violent nature.
"Lennie was always picking fights. I told my old man not to hire the big bloak, but he did anyways. I knew from the moment he walked in he was trouble."
Some men on the ranch don't agree with the victim’s husband.
"Lennie was a good guy, he just has some issues," said Slim one of the workers on the ranch. “He would never mean to do something like this on purpose, but he was just so dang on strong." 
                We asked George Milton, the man that Lennie traveled around with what he thought about the accident.
"Lennie wouldn't hurt a fly, he didn't do it on purpose." When we asked him if there were signs of Lennie’s violent nature he said no. "Yeah he had issues, but he had never done something like this before." When we asked what he meant by issues, he had no comment and walked away.
When we asked people what happened to the violent monster they all said that he died. When we asked how, no one but Curley gave us an answer.
"Just be happy that he is no longer lose in the world, causing trouble. How he died doesn't matter."
Curley made a good point; we should all be happy that he is no longer tormenting the world.

Soledad Star June 6, 1933
By: Ruth Sanders
Soledad Star

Aged single level farm house for sale. It has a total of four rooms, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living area, plus a bathroom. There is a windmill, outhouse, and small shed already on the property from the previous owners. It sits on fifteen acres, five of which is wooded and ten that is open land good for farming. A small stream runs through the back of the property, and fish swim in it.  The land is good for farming and if you build a barn or stalls it would be perfect for animals as well. It’s a little run down in some spots, but with a little TLC it would be a great place to live. Perfect for a young man starting off in the world, a city slicker wanting to move out to the country, or someone looking for a new start. The purchase price is $600, and it’s not negotiable The property is bank owned so if you are interested contact Jenkins Bank, 12 Main Street, Berkley County, CA,37953.

House went on to the market: July 7, 1932

Date the ad was first published: September 1, 1932